A girl named Cora
“Doug, I am terrified of what comes next. Tell me it will be ok. Hold my hand and tell me Jesus has me!” The sacredness of that moment still provokes tears even now, I took her hand and JOYFULLY told her of The Presence who would walk with her through the eerie and into the eternal.
Hosts of God’s Presence
It’s easy to read Psalm 23 and imagine God as a Shepherd and a Savior. But what about as a Host, as someone who wants to prepare a table and serve us? Gibson writes, “It is God’s nature to serve us as much as it is to save us.”
Radical Hospitality
There's a certain freedom that comes in living this way... where we can think, whatever God is doing, I am happy to participate. Whatever people need, I am glad to lead them to God's presence. Whatever God's purpose is, I can pray for God's blessing.
Making Space for the Presence of God
There's a certain freedom that comes in living this way... where we can think, whatever God is doing, I am happy to participate. Whatever people need, I am glad to lead them to God's presence. Whatever God's purpose is, I can pray for God's blessing.
Hunger for God in New York City
One of the greatest challenges of seeking God in our time seems to be the immediacy with which we can try to satisfy our hunger. Everywhere we look, there’s an attempt to solve the feeling of our own lack and an enticing pull to live for ourselves rather than finding all we need in God.
Our Personal Rabbi
For years, I taught junior high kids with learning differences, one of which was attention deficit disorder (ADD). These kids were brilliantly gifted in many ways, but attending to verbal details and tasks was often a challenge for them. As their teacher, I had to learn to understand the way their brains were uniquely wired and the challenges they faced so I could help them learn.
A Story: Hearing God in an Airport
I had the Bible on my lap and was very intent upon what I was doing. I'd had a marvelous morning with the Lord. I say that because I want to tell you it is a scary thing to have the Spirit of God really working in you. You could end up doing some things you never would have done otherwise. Life in the Spirit can be dangerous for a thousand reasons not the least of which is your ego...