Use the free guides and tools below to cultivate a community around the presence of Jesus.
Pathway Guides
The life cycle of a community typically takes three steps along this Pathway.
Cultivate a Community
Pray about who to invite to a meal and conversation around the Scriptures using The Gathering Guide. This primary guide can be used regularly to provide a ongoing rhythm for your gatherings.
Become a House Church
After some time, if you sense God is leading you to become a house church, walk your community through the eight-week House Church Guide. Then return to the rhythm of The Gathering Guide.
If your house church is growing and it is time to consider multiplication, walk through the one-week Multiply Guide. Then return to the rhythm off The Gathering Guide.
Pathway Toolbox
While The Gathering Guide supplies your ongoing rhythm, your community will start sensing unique ways God wants you to grow. That is where these tools can help. Use one or more tools a quarter in place of The Gathering Guide. You can download the entire Pathway at the bottom of the page.
If we want to transform the world, how should we invest our time? Use this replicable tool to help your community to remember Jesus’s strategy and how he spent his time.
3/12/72 Tool
Use this simple tool to encourage ongoing, transformational conversations with a small band of friends in your community.
Discipleship Bands
We are always faced with decisions and it’s easy to rely on human strategy. This replicable tool reminds your community of how we can discern God’s voice.
Decision Making Quadrant
Are you wanting to celebrate communion with your church community, but you’re not sure how? Use this tool to learn a basic framework.
Celebrating Communion
Are you wanting to celebrate baptism with your church community, but you’re not sure how? This tool explains why baptism is important and how you can celebrate it with your community.
Celebrating Baptism
Are you wanting to simply and practically love your neighbors? Use this tool to learn a simple and reproducible way to serve your neighbors.
Loving Your Neighbors
How can we quickly understand some of the main facts about the Bible? Use this tool in your community to learn and discuss 20 important facts about the Bible to help you gain confidence.
Bible Overview
Are you wanting to understand the basic overview of the Old Testament? Use this tool with your community to grow in your understanding of the Old Testament.
Old Testament Overview
Are you wanting to understand the basic overview of the New Testament? Use this tool with your community to grow in your understanding of the New Testament.
New Testament Overview
Do you want to begin praying for your neighbors? Use this tool to plan a prayer walk in your neighborhood by yourself or with your whole community.
Neighborhood Prayer Walk
How can followers of Jesus pursue unity and avoid unnecessary divisiveness with other believers? Use this tool in your community to talk about issues that tend to divide us.
Levels of Certainty
How do we pray for others with the guidance of the Holy Spirit? How do we incorporate times of ministry into our gatherings? Use this tool to learn how.
Praying for Others