God has given us big vision, and we are praying big prayers.

We want to help 100,000 people cultivate communities around the presence of Jesus in the next ten years.

This is only possible through the generosity of people like you. Would you consider joining our team of Dwellings Partners? 

Decentralized movements are poised to spread quickly and easily - not having high building or operations costs - so every dollar you are able to give will catalyze tangible Kingdom results. Also, as a Dwellings Partner, you will have first access to all our resources, our Annual Report, and you will hear about special opportunities throughout the year first. 

Become a part of our growing inner circle of prayer and financial partners that enable our resources to spread… so that new presence-filled spaces might spring up around the world.

  • You can send a check to 1 Cypress Cv. Little Rock, AR 72223. Please make checks out to “Dwellings.”

  • Of course! We will send gift receipts at the end of the calendar year.

  • You can log in to your Donorbox account HERE with the information you provided when you created your account.

  • Contact us at info@dwellings.info and we would love to help.