Dwellings Guides are designed to help communities encounter the presence of Jesus together. While not sacrificing depth and grounding in the Scriptures, there will be room for meditation on the Scriptures, conversation and practice.

The SCRIPTURE READING GUIDE is designed to help a community draw near to the presence of Jesus through reading directly from Scripture together. This is our classic guide that walks you through five steps as you meet over any passage of Scripture you choose. Hearing God’s Word, meditating on it, and discussing it is one of the simplest, yet most transformative practices a community can do. This method is inspired by the practices of the global Church.

Description: Would you say your prayer life is stale…even boring? We are relational beings, so it can be pretty boring to talk to someone who doesn’t talk back. But that brings us to a question…does God speak to us? If so, how?

In this guide, we will look at some biblical examples of how people hear from God. Over the four weeks, you’ll get to learn and practice hearing from God in four ways:

  • through Scripture

  • through people

  • through circumstaces

  • through his still small voice

Series One of the Dwellings Podcast serves as a support for this series. Encourage your people to listen to these episodes outside your gathering times, as a support to the guide on Hearing God’s Voice.

The Whole Guide is a collaboration with Kathryn Maack and Aaron Williams, and accompanies the book WHOLE, which you can purchase HERE.

Description: So many of us feel like our spiritual lives are incomplete. That makes sense, because we can tend to separate things God always meant to go together. We say we are a thinker or a feeler. A “be-er” person or a “do-er.” A “truth” person or a “Spirit” person. While separating these things seems normal to many Christians, doing so is as crazy as calling yourself an “inhaler” or an “exhaler”—after all, both are necessary to survive. If you’re feeling like you’re missing something on your spiritual journey, this segmented view of relating to God could be the problem. In this four-week experience you can explore, with a group of friends, how to reunite these areas of your Christian life, in order to experience a more full communion with God.